Presentation information


[7C] Information Design

Sun. Jun 26, 2022 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM Oral room7

Chairperson:Sari Yamamoto

9:00 AM - 9:20 AM

[7C-01] Design for empowering released prisoners to integrate into communities

*Haruno Kurobe1, Masako Kitazaki1 (1. Musashino Art University College of Art and Design Department of Visual Communication Design)

Keywords:social design, prisoners, community design

This project explores how design could support reducing the recidivism rate in released prisoners. We first conducted interviews with the released prisoners and workers in rehabilitation facilities. We specified that their being in communities, among other citizens, without hiding their experiences could be key to preventing them from committing crimes again. Thus, we designed a workshop where released prisoners share their experiences with citizens through cooking and communication games in an equal and friendly manner. The paper reports the pilot workshop's results and the next steps for realizing this positive impact.