Presentation information


[PB] area_B

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PB (Poster room)

[PB-02] Flood Damage Simulation System Using Game Engine

*Daiki Naito1, Ryu Taketani1, Yasup Kawai1 (1. BUNKYO UNIVERSITY - Faculty of Information)

Keywords:Disaster Prevention Plan, Particle Method, Grid Method

Local governments are planning disaster prevention through flood simulation, because floods caused by typhoons and other disasters can cause serious damage in the watersheds of large rivers. In this study, we developed a prototype of a low-cost flood damage simulation system that can be used by local governments, utilizing open data and a game engine. A three-dimensional geographic model was created using the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan's Geospatial Information Authority as open geographic information data. Based on this open data, we developed a prototype simulation using the Unity game engine for inundation conditions during flooding of the Sagami River, using the particle method and the grid method.