Presentation information


[PB] area_B

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PB (Poster room)

[PB-04] Proposal of workshop program and tools for university students・Designed to promote one-on-one visual dialogue.

Theme of the project: “Drawing out what you want to do together.”

*ryousuke koresawa1, maiko kobayakawa1 (1. chiba institute of technology - faculty of advanced engineering - department of advanced media)

Keywords:dialogue, descriptive expression, visualization

I created a workshop program and tools to help those college students whose have difficulty verbalizing what they want to do with their friends. Based on my findings from repeated experiments, I thought it was important to describe the dialogue and to ask questions of the other person to confirm what we wanted to do from each other. I also highlighted three skills needed for dialogue visualization based on the results of my experiment. From there I identified the tool requirements.