Presentation information


[PB] area_B

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PB (Poster room)

[PB-18] Proposal of VR experience tool to increase interest in the vacant house problems

*Hong-Seok Choi1, Takuma Takahashi2 (1. Takushoku University, 2. Takushoku University Faculty of Engineering)

Keywords:Virtual Reality, UI, Vacant house problems

In this study, the tool produced has three composition: a tutorial to familiarize users with VR operations, repair of the vacant house and dismantle the vacant house. through the tutorial, the users choose whether to repair or dismantle the vacant house, and then do it directly with his/her own hands. After the experience is finished, a fixed asset tax is displayed on the result screen to see the selection result. In the verification conducted on people in their 20s, who are the target of this tool, using the tool joyfully, and the result was to increase interest in the issue of vacant houses.