Presentation information


[PC] area_C

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PC (Poster room)

[PC-05] Propose a brand to co-create with children suffering from gender issue

Business development of underwear brand “Jibun Manekin”(self mannequin)

*Satomi Watanabe1, Nobuo Yasutake1 (1. tokoha university)

Keywords:Social Design, Co-Design, Business Design

Co-Design, design in cooperation with other industry, is increas- ing in business area too. Even in areas where design has not been interposed before, such as public administration, caretaking, and education, the activity to design goods and service is generated by not experts as designer or planner, but the one who faces issue. This article focused on the gender issue which adolescent children face based on author’s experience. It reports prototyping and business probability to design goods and service with parent and child concerning the whole concept of underwear in order to reduce the stress which children suffer from.