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[PC] area_C

Sat. Jun 25, 2022 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM PC (Poster room)

[PC-10] Akita-shi Omoriyama Zoo Araya District Guide Sign Design2

*Jin Seok Bae1 (1. Akita University of Art)

Keywords: OmoriyamaZoo, DesignProject

Since 2018, guide signs for the Omoriyama Zoo has been installed in the Araya district where the Akitashi Omoriyama Zoo is located. In 2018, a guide sign was installed inside the Araya Station-a transportation hub of Araya-where the Omoriyama Zoo is located. Second, in 2019 a guide sign designed with a giraffe motif was placed in front of the Route 13 Police Station. Third, in 2020 a guide sign that connects the Zoo and the Glass Workshop-a tourist attraction of Araya-has been built in. Fourth, in 2021 the LOVE objet has been installed nearby the zoo. A guide sign of the Omoriyama Zoo Araya Area has been placed in order to make the approach from the nearby train station to the zoo a pleasant space filled with anticipation for the pedestrians. This reports on the result of such installation.