日時:2015年6月22日(月) 10:00 ~ 12:00
●メンテナンス中は、Confit Webシステムをご利用になれません。
※メンテナンス作業中にアプリでスケジュール登録した場合は、 メンテナンス終了後にWebサイトと同期されます。
To improve the product, we are going to have maintenance during the date/time below:
Date/Time: Monday, June 22. From 10:00 to 12:00 (JST)
●You may not access the Confit Web during the maintenance.
●You may use the mobile application during the maintenance with the limitation below:
・Unable to use "Sync with Web" feature
・Unable to use Twitter sharing of announcement "From the organizer" and "From the exhibitor"
・Unable to get updated data
NOTE: If you register schedules via app during the maintenance, it won't sync with the web before the maintenance is over.
(2015/06/19 17:26)
〒220-0012 横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1
学会本部 直通電話 045-228-6446
窓口時間 6/2 18:00~21:00
6/3 8:00~19:00
6/4 7:00~19:00
6/5 7:00~17:00
パシフィコ横浜 (総合案内):045-221-2155
夜間緊急電話 070-1217-3640(6/2-6/5まで)
通常お問い合わせは、学会本部 直通電話に、お問い合わせください。
(2015/06/01 14:47)
アプリ(iPhone, Android)を公開いたしました。以下より詳細をご確認ください。
(2015/05/25 11:12)
参加者・発表者・座長の先生方へのご案内 をアップしました。以下のページよりご確認ください。
We have uploaded the information for Participants and Session Chair and Presentation.Please check it.
(2015/05/07 11:48)
We have uploaded the program. Please check it.Please check it.
(2015/05/07 11:48)
We have uploaded the information of accommodation.Please check it.
(2015/04/15 19:13)
We uploaded the information of Conflict of Interest (COI). Please check it.
(2015/04/15 19:13)
We uploaded the information of "Special Symposium". Please check it.
(2015/04/08 16:32)
日時:2015年4月1日(水) 13:00 ~ 17:00
●メンテナンス中は、Confit Webシステムをご利用になれません。
To improve the product, we are going to have maintenance during the date/time below:
Date/Time: Wednesday, April 1st. From 13:00 to 17:00 (JST)
●You may not access the Confit Web during the maintenance.
●You may use the mobile application during the maintenance with the limitation below:
・Unable to use "Sync with Web" feature
・Unable to use Twitter sharing of announcement "From the organizer" and "From the exhibitor"
・Unable to get updated data
NOTE: If you register schedules via app during the maintenance, it won't sync with the web before the maintenance is over.
(2015/03/30 15:42)
Notice of Acceptance/Rejection will be sent by e-mail in middle March.
(2015/01/26 17:16)
The 9th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting for Vascular Surgeryの情報をアップしました。詳細はページ右のバナーよりご確認ください。
We uploaded the information of "The 9th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting for Vascular Surgery". Please check it.
(2015/01/13 16:22)
Online review has been started.
(2014/12/25 13:34)
Abstract submission was closed. Thank you for your valuable contribution.
(2014/12/05 13:01)
Abstract submission deadline has been extended.
(2014/11/18 10:11)
We have updated the program.
(2014/11/14 10:35)
UMIN 全サービス一時停止のお知らせ
■ 停止するサービス:UMINセンターの全サービス
■ サービス停止時間:平成26年10月25日(土)12:00~ 21:00
■ 理由:東京大学の定期電源設備保守作業に伴う停電
■ 当日はサービスが復旧次第、UMIN TOPページにて掲載いたします。
UMIN TOPページ:http://www.umin.ac.jp/
(2014/10/09 21:51)
Abstract Submission have been updated.
(2014/10/01 12:00)
We opened a website of The 43rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery.
(2014/07/23 17:53)