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[1Aa01-11] 放射光表面科学部会「放射光による表面界面の先端的解析:基礎から応用まで」

Wed. Nov 3, 2021 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM Room A (Udon)

Chair:Jun Yoshinobu(The University of Tokyo), Fumihiko Matsui(Institute for Molecular Science)

10:15 AM - 10:45 AM

[1Aa06] Physical and chemical imaging of adhesive interfaces by soft X-ray spectromicroscopy

*Hiroyuki Yamane1,2 (1. Photon Science Innovation Center, 2. RIKEN SPring-8 Center)

Adhesion is an interfacial phenomenon that is a critical technology for assembling carbon structural composites for next-generation aircraft and automobiles. Despite this importance, we have a limited understanding of adhesion down to the molecular level because of the difficulty in revealing the individual multiple bonding factors. Using soft X-ray spectromicroscopy, we show the physical and chemical states of an adhesive interface. We observed multiscale phenomena in the adhesion mechanisms, which provide a benchmark for further research to examine how physical and chemical states correlate with adhesion.