
Presentation information

Vacuum Science Technology(VST)

[1Ep08-13] VST

Wed. Nov 3, 2021 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Room E (Naoshima)

Chair:Tomohide Takami(Kogakuin University)

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM

[1Ep12S] Non-destructive beam profile diagnostic based on beam-induced fluorescence using a gas sheet

*ippei yamada1,2, Motoi Wada1, Junichiro Kamiya2, Michikazu Kinsho2 (1. Doshisha University, 2. J-PARC center, JAEA)

We have been developing a non-destructive 2D beam profile monitor based on beam-gas interaction. The monitor injects a sheet-shaped gas into a beam line. The spatial distribution of photons induced by interaction of the beam and the gas sheet depends on the beam profile. The spatial distribution of the photons also depends on the sheet-gas density distribution. Thus, reconstruction of the beam profile with a measured gas density distribution are necessary. In this contribution, we will report the methods of the gas density distribution measurement and the beam profile reconstruction.