


[1Ba01-09] Surface Science(SS3) Structure

2023年10月31日(火) 09:30 〜 12:30 大会議室224 (2階)

Chair:長谷川 幸雄(東大物性研)、山田 豊和(千葉大学)

09:30 〜 10:00

[1Ba01(招待講演)] How to obtain atomic-scale structural information from technologically relevant nanomaterials using scanning probe microscopy?

*Tomoko K. Shimizu1 (1. Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University)

Our recent efforts to obtain atomic-scale information from technologically-relevant nanomaterials will be discussed. As an example, I will explain the study on porous organic thin films prepared in solution processes. To obtain relatively flat samples on solid substrates, hydrogen-bonded organic thin films were fabricated at the air/liquid interface using a Langmuir trough and transferred to Si wafers by the horizontal dipping method. Using atomic force microscopy (AFM) in ambient, the evidence of A-A stacked honeycomb structures was obtained by resolving periodic pores over the films with a thickness variation of more than several nanometers. AFM images of samples prepared with different parameters provided a hint for understanding the film formation mechanism. Our expectation was supported by molecular dynamics simulations: the molecules are self-assembled without external forces in the quasi-two-dimensional system. In addition to hydrogen bonding and π-π interaction, long-range Coulomb interaction was found to play a vital role in the film growth.

