


[1Dp01-09] Surface Science(SS1) Physical Property

2023年10月31日(火) 14:00 〜 16:30 中会議室221 (2階)

Chair:Wilson Agerico Diño(Osaka University)、一ノ倉 聖(東京工業大学)

15:45 〜 16:00

[1Dp07] Dynamic friction in controlled molecular manipulation

*Norio Okabayashi1, Thomas Frederiksen2,3, Alexander Liebig4, Franz J. Giessibl4 (1. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, 2. Donostia International Physics Center, 3. Basque Foundation for Science, 4. Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, University of Regensburg)

Friction is a ubiquitous phenomenon involving energy dissipation. To understand this phenomenon, it is ideal to study systems defined at the atomic scale, a typical example being the manipulation of a molecule on surfaces using scanning probe microscopy. Previous studies have reported the observation of static friction, but energy dissipation during molecular manipulation has not been investigated. Here, we have studied the manipulation process of a single CO molecule on a Cu(110) surface with a metallic tip by combining AFM and DFT calculations. We found that when the tip is far away from the surface, a CO molecule is adsorbed on a top site, but when the tip approaches the molecule, the adsorption site changes to a bridge site. Furthermore, such a bridge site is found to play an important role as an intermediate state in molecular manipulation, which is crucial for understanding the dynamics of manipulation and dynamic friction.

