


[1P01-52] Poster Presentation

2023年10月31日(火) 16:30 〜 18:00 ポスター (1階)

[1P21] Field ion image acquisition using deflector for synchronization with atom probe analysis

*Masahiro Taniguchi1, Kenji Yoshikawa1 (1. Department of Applied Chemistry, Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

The authors have been working on integrating atom probe (AP) mass analysis and structural observation based on field ion microscopy (FIM). FIM has an advantage in image quality against ion mapping by 3D-AP data. In our FIM-AP system, the toroidal lens tuned for the energy of the field evaporated ion served as the energy filter which blocks the FIM image ions to reach the ion detector. The disadvantage of the conventional system is that the probed region itself is not visible in the FIM screen. To solve the problem, the authors introduced an image deflector driven by an AP analysis system. The improvement of the preliminary system has achieved a clear image shift to observe the probed region FIM image. The reduction of back pressure in the spectrometer is also examined.

