


[1P01-52] Poster Presentation

2023年10月31日(火) 16:30 〜 18:00 ポスター (1階)

[1P49] Fine Ag patterning on organic surface based on selective deposition using perfluoropolyether

*Akari Nishimura1, Tsuyoshi Tsujioka1 (1. Osaka Kyoiku University)

Fine metal patterning is an important process that directly affects the size of electric devices in the field of organic electronics. The conventional method for metal patterning is vacuum- deposition with a shadow mask. We have proposed selective metal deposition using photochromic diarylethenes (DAEs), which enables metal-pattern formation based on maskless vacuum deposition. However, selective metal deposition using DAE can be applicated for limited metal species and it cannot be applied to Ag and Cu. Perfluoropolyether (PFPE) has a low surface energy and surface softness for efficient Ag atom desorption. In this study, we report the selective deposition for Ag using a PFPE-based material and propose a method to fabricate a fine Ag pattern on organic surfaces using maskless metal-evaporation. This method would be applied to prepare a fine electrode for organic devices.

