


[2Dp01-08] Advancement of experimental techniques for surface analysis using synchrotron radiation and its applications: Synchrotron Radiation Surface Science Division's Session

2023年11月1日(水) 14:00 〜 17:00 中会議室221 (2階)

Chair:近藤 寛(慶應大学)、小澤 健一(高エネルギー加速器研究機構)

15:30 〜 16:00

[2Dp05] Development of sample transfer system in UHV chamber for remote experiments

*Masashi Arita1, Koji Miyamoto1, Hirofumi Namatame1, Kenya Shimada1 (1. Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Hiroshima University)

After the COVID-19 pandemic, there is demand from beamline users to conduct their experiments from remote sites. However, remote users cannot transfer and exchange the measurement sample in an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber without on-site staff support under the conventional experimental system. Thus, we have developed the motorized sample transfer system in the UHV chamber for remote experiments using the test chamber that simulates a sample exchange section. With an image sensor, a semi-automatic sample exchange is successful in the test chamber.

This work is conducted as part of Photon Factory, UVSOR, and HiSOR collaborative project for the construction of the new R&D beamline.

