


[2Ip01-07] Vacuum Science Technology (VST)

2023年11月1日(水) 14:00 〜 16:15 中会議室233 (3階)

Chair:安部 功二(名古屋工業大学)

15:45 〜 16:00

[2Ip06] Analysis of activation and deterioration mechanism of Ti-Zr-V NEG coating by XPS

*Junichiro Kamiya1, Kazuhide Abe1, Masaaki Kobata1, Yasutaka Tsuda1, Tatsuo Fukuda1, Shinichi Fujimori1, Yuko Morohashi1, Ippei Yamada1, Akitaka Yoshigoe1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

Sequence measurements with XPS have been performed to understand more detail about the activation and deterioration mechanism. The sample of a titanium plate with Ti-Zr-V coating of 1 μm thickness was prepared. The NEG was coated on the titanium plate sample by the DC magnetron sputtering with NEG alloy. The sample was set in the surface science station in the BL23SU of SPring-8. At first, the XPS measurements for the sample surface were performed during the sample temperature was raised to 250℃. After that, the XPS was subsequently performed during the injection of oxygen gas into the chamber while keeping the sample temperature at 250℃, which corresponds to the accelerated deterioration test. After that, the depth profile of the sample was measured with another XPS apparatus with an X-ray tube by argon etching. The result showed that the surface Zr gets the oxygen from Ti oxide and V oxide at the first stage of the activation and the oxygen of the Zr oxide would diffuse to the bulk in the continuous temperature rise. It was revealed that the concentrated oxygen in the coating exists in the forms of mainly Zr oxide and Ti oxide in the second place.

