


[2P01-53] Poster Presentation

2023年11月1日(水) 17:00 〜 18:30 ポスター (1階)

[2P46] Synthesis and evaluation of hydrogen-substituted graphdiyne
using dehalogen homocoupling reaction on an Au(111) surface

*Hibiki Mitsuboshi1, Chellamuthu Jeganathan1, Hikaru Yamamoto1, Kazuki Itakura1, Arifumi Okada2, Hayato Shibuya1, Yukihiro Motoyama1, Kenta Kokado1, Masanori Hara1, Masamichi Yoshimura1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute, 2. Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology)

In this study, we have successfully synthesized a portion of hydrogen-substituted graphdiyne(HsGDY) on Au(111) in the air using the drop method. HsGDY is a two-dimensional material consisting of an sp-sp2 carbon framework that has attracted much attention in recent years because of its large pore structure and band gap compared to existing nanocarbon materials such as graphene [1]. Our novel method allows us to synthesize very useful new materials consisting of carbon skeletons in a very short time without the use of toxic pyridine[3] or expensive ultra-high vacuum environments[5] as in previous studies. Furthermore, this technique does not limit the size of the substrates to be synthesized, which represents a major advance toward practical applications. Our research provides a new way to obtain remarkable materials at low cost.

