


[2P01-53] Poster Presentation

2023年11月1日(水) 17:00 〜 18:30 ポスター (1階)

[2P47] Optical second harmonic spectroscopy of few-layer MoS2 and WS2 in the C exciton region

*Yasuyuki Hirata1, Shinya Ohno2, Takahiro Suzuki1, Yoshihiro Miyauchi1 (1. Department of Applied Physics, National Defense Academy of Japan, 2. Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University)

Second harmonic generation (SHG) spectra of monolayer (ML-) and few-layer (FL-) MoS2, monolayer (ML-) and few-layer (FL-) WS2 are measured in the two-photon energy range from 2.4 eV to 3.2 eV. The spectra are resolved into two components, C1 and C2. The peak energy of the low-energy component C1 red-shifts as the number of layers increases from ML to FL for both MoS2 and WS2, indicating that the C1 component originates from interband transitions in a ring-shaped region with bands nesting around the Γ point. On the other hand, for the high-energy C2 component, the change in peak energy with the number of layers from ML to FL is negligible in both cases of MoS2 and WS2. This suggests that the C2 component is different from the C exciton in the linear optical spectrum, and it originates from excitation in a region where the band structure is less modified by interlayer coupling, revealing the existence of transitions to hidden states which is specific to the nonlinear optical spectrum.

