


[2Fp01-09] Surface Science(SS2) Chemical Property

2023年11月1日(水) 14:00 〜 16:45 中会議室223 (2階)

Chair:原 正則(豊田工業大学)、濱田 幾太郎(大阪大学)、八木 一三(北海道大学)

16:30 〜 16:45

[2Fp09] Explore the compositional space of multicomponent nitride hard coatings through combinatorial approach

Sheng-yu Hsu1, Yuan-tai Lai1, *Jenq-gong Duh1 (1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University)

This study successfully demonstrates the efficiency and effectiveness of using experimental combinatorial approach to investigate the properties of multicomponent nitride coatings in HfNbTiVZrN and AlCrSiTiN. Through combinatorial approach, in addition to find out the specific chemical composition with optimum material properties (e.g. hardness, fracture toughness, oxidation resistance, and wear resistance), the correlation between materials properties and chemical composition could be rapidly determined. Besides, as demonstrated in the case of AlCrSiTiN, the complicated correlation between material properties (e.g. mechanical properties, oxidation resistance and high temperature wear resistance) could be systematically investigated. The combinatorial approach not only pinpoints the critical influencing material properties responsible for the high temperature wear resistance of the coatings, but also provides an in-depth understanding of the underlying mechanisms.

