


[3Fp01-10] Latest trends of sealing inspections and leak testing: Vacuum Technologies Division's Session

2023年11月2日(木) 12:30 〜 16:15 中会議室223 (2階)

Chair:太田 知男(株式会社島津製作所)、神谷 潤一郎(日本原子力研究開発機構)、関口 信一(株式会社荏原製作所)

12:30 〜 12:40

[3Fp01] Introductory talk for vacuum technology division's session "Latest trends of sealing inspections and leak testing"

*Hajime Yoshida1 (1. AIST, NMIJ)

Sealing inspections and leak testing have been carried out to ensure the reliability of the products in various industrial fields such as automotive industry, refrigeration and air conditioning, food, medicine, electrical devices, plant engineering, hydrogen handling, aerospace industry, and nuclear technology. Not only reliability of inspections/testing but also the reduction of measurement time is often required to keep the productivity of production line or to develop new products efficiently. Collaborating among manufacturers of sealing products, leak testing companies, and researchers in vacuum and surface science will encourage better understanding of the phenomena and find better ways to increase the reliability of sealing products. I hope that this session will be a good opportunity to share and discuss the latest techniques and problems related to sealing inspections and leak testing.

