


[3Fp01-10] Latest trends of sealing inspections and leak testing: Vacuum Technologies Division's Session

2023年11月2日(木) 12:30 〜 16:15 中会議室223 (2階)

Chair:太田 知男(株式会社島津製作所)、神谷 潤一郎(日本原子力研究開発機構)、関口 信一(株式会社荏原製作所)

13:20 〜 13:40

[3Fp04] Current status and future prospects of helium leak testing in the automotive industry.

*Masataka Shiromaru1, Kazumi Enomoto1, Mitugu Nakagawa1, Hiroki Kurisu2 (1. MARUNAKA Corporation, Ltd., 2. Graduate School of Science and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University)

Many automotive components are required to be airtight against gases and liquids, and leak testing is carried out during the manufacturing process to ensure quality. The bell jar method of helium leak testing (JIS Z 2331) is widely used for leak testing of various automotive components as it allows quantitative leak tests of 10-4 Pam3s-1 or less. This paper describes the performance of the vacuum chamber leak testing system and the innovations in leak testing for each specimen under test. High-pressure liquid leak testing for the use of high-pressure fuels in engines in next-generation vehicles will also be presented.

