KAAB International Symposium 2021

Code of Conduct

Dear Participants,
KAAB committee is devoted to make the annual KAAB symposium 2021 a welcoming and inclusive/learning space for sharing ideas and knowledge. 
We would like to provide a productive online climate for collegiality, respect, and discussion and debate among many different points of view.
We invite you to join us and participate actively in creating knowledge and understanding.
All KAAB symposium participants agree to refrain from all forms of discrimination, harassment, retaliation for reporting harassment, and other abusive or offensive behaviours (written, verbal, intention to harm or distress another person, or other conduct) in their interactions during the online conference.
What is acceptable for one person may not be acceptable for another, so we ask to be tactful and that you use discretion to be sure that respect is communicated.
KAAB reserves the right to remove an individual from the conference without notice following any unacceptable behavior, prohibit attendance at future conferences, and notify his/her institution/employer.

Any online abuse should be reported promptly to kaabsympo2021@gmail.com