The deadline for viewing archived videos has been extended until April 20.
(2023/04/13 2:20 PM)
The deadline for viewing archived videos has been extended until April 20.
(2023/04/13 2:20 PM)
Archived videos will be available from March 18-31. Register now!
(2023/03/04 8:49 AM)
Provisional scientific program is now available.
(2023/02/18 5:55 AM)
Announcements (flyers) of sponsored seminars are available on the "Supporters" page.
(2023/02/15 4:33 PM)
Poster/video(oral) free presentation will be held only on the website.
Abstract submission is now open.
Please submit before 22 Feb.2023.
Screening result would be sent in 2-3 days after your submission.
(2023/02/09 6:19 PM)
Registration has been open.
(2023/02/07 2:08 PM)
Company sponsorship program in Japanese is available. Advertisement like CM movie during the LIVE streaming is highly recommended. 💰Reasonable and visible !! Please ask details to the conference secretariat
(2023/02/01 1:53 PM)
Conference program outline is available
(2023/01/30 4:56 AM)