9:55 AM - 10:00 AM
Session information
Regular & Poster Sessions
[2401-07] Interaction Design
Tue. Sep 8, 2020 9:55 AM - 12:20 PM Room 4
Chair:KyoungOk Kim
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM
[2401-07-01] The Study of the Relationship between Design Thinking Process and Personality Traits
How the Extraversion Personality Influences Empathize Process in the Holistic View?
(1) Real-time presentation with recording
*Rui Mao1, Tseng-Ping Chiu2, Yuichi Washida1 (1. Graduate School of Business Administration of Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo(Japan), 2. Industrial Design Department of National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan(R.O.C)(Taiwan))
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM
[2401-07-02] A study on the expression of “a sense of being alive ”for robot development
A study of the expression of a robot through providing a flashing light and sound experiment.
(2) Video (VOD) presentation
*Ongon Witthayathada1, Kouichi Nishio1 (1. Fukui University of Technology(Japan))
10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
[2401-07-03] Poetic Semantics in Product Interactions
An Empirical Inquiry on the Design Possibility of Meaningful Interaction with Chinese Poetic Metaphors
(2) Video (VOD) presentation
*Zhenzhen Qin1, Sandy Ng1 (1. School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University(China))
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM
[2401-07-04] The usability of online travel agency on multi-devices
case study on ezTravel
(2) Video (VOD) presentation
*Po-Yuan Chen1, Chia-Yin Yu1 (1. Fu Jen Catholic University(Taiwan))
11:20 AM - 11:40 AM
(2) Video (VOD) presentation
*Meng-xun Ho1, Hsi-Jen Chen1 (1. NCKU(Taiwan))
11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
[2401-07-06] advanced example of citizens snow removal system to prevent accidents of elderly people during snow removal
(2) Video (VOD) presentation
*Isao Shiomi1, Koji Ichimura2 (1. Doctor's course Division of Engineering,Muroran Institute of Technolory(Japan), 2. Graduate school of Engineering,Muroran Institute of Technolory(Japan))
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
[2401-07-07] Usability evaluation of user experience of multi-mode interactive interface of mobile social network app
(3) Real-time presentation without recording
*Chungshun Feng1,2, Chia-Wen Tsai1, Chien-Hsiung Chen3 (1. Department of Industrial Design. Chaoyang University of Technology.(Taiwan), 2. Graduate School of Design. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.(Taiwan), 3. Department of Design. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology(Taiwan))