
Session information

Regular & Poster Sessions

[2401-07] Interaction Design

Tue. Sep 8, 2020 9:55 AM - 12:20 PM Room 4

Chair:KyoungOk Kim

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM

[2401-07-03] Poetic Semantics in Product Interactions

An Empirical Inquiry on the Design Possibility of Meaningful Interaction with Chinese Poetic Metaphors

(2) Video (VOD) presentation

*Zhenzhen Qin1, Sandy Ng1 (1. School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University(China))

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM

*Chungshun Feng1,2, Chia-Wen Tsai1, Chien-Hsiung Chen3 (1. Department of Industrial Design. Chaoyang University of Technology.(Taiwan), 2. Graduate School of Design. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.(Taiwan), 3. Department of Design. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology(Taiwan))



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