一般社団法人資源・素材学会 平成29(2017)年度春季大会




2017年3月29日(水) 09:15 〜 12:00 第3会場 (6号館 3階 635講義室)

司会: 別所昌彦(秋田大学),飯塚淳(東北大学)

11:15 〜 11:30

[3301-10-08] キャリアマイクロエンカプセレーションによる硫化鉱物の酸化抑制:チタンーカテコール錯体の分解に対する電気化学的研究

朴 一煥1、曲渕 景大1、タベリン カーリット バルタザール1、伊藤 真由美1、広吉 直樹1 (1. 北海道大学)

司会: 飯塚淳(東北大学)


The oxidation of sulfide minerals (e.g., pyrite and arsenopyrite) by exposure to oxygen and water causes the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD), which leads to serious environmental problem because it is very acidic and contains high concentrations of heavy metals (e.g., Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb). To mitigate the generation of AMD, carrier microencapsulation (CME) using TiO2 and catechol was developed and works by forming protective coating on the mineral surface. In our previous study, TiO2 and catechol were used to form Ti-catechol complex but the amount of Ti extracted by catechol to from the complex was limited. In addition, the decomposition mechanism of Ti-catechol complex was not well understood. Thus, the present study investigated the formation of Ti-catechol complex and its electrochemical properties under various conditions.
Ti4+ ion dissolved in sulfuric acid and catechol were used to synthesize Ti-catechol complex, and the results showed that Ti (IV) tris-catecholate complex (i.e., Ti(Cat)32-) was formed in the pH range of 5-12. Cyclic voltammogram of Ti-catechol complex at various scan rates showed only one anodic peak at 700 mV (vs. SHE), which was assigned to the oxidation of Ti-catechol complex. Among three catechol molecules coordinated with Ti4+, two of them have distorted oxygen-Ti4+ bonds because of unpaired electrons. This suggests that these sites are the most reactive part of the Ti-catechol complex and should react first oxidatively. Based on our results, the mechanism of decomposition is divided into two stages: (1) two catechol molecules that have high reactivity are oxidized to quinone, and (2) the remaining catechol molecule is dissociated because Ti (IV) monocatecholate complex is unstable.




