一般社団法人資源・素材学会 平成30(2018)年度春季大会

講演情報(2018年2月23日付 確定版)



2018年3月28日(水) 09:15 〜 12:00 第6会場 (2号館1F, 212号講義室)

司会:永井 崇(千葉工業大学),安田 幸司(京都大学)

11:45 〜 12:00

[2501-10-10] アルミナの熱炭素還元プロセスにおけるアルミナカーバイドの添加効果

○Chahtou Amina1、Benioub Rabie1、Zeng Lihaowen1、小畠 秀和1、伊髙 健治1 (1. 弘前大学)

司会:安田 幸司(京都大学)


In terms of electricity consumption, the carbothermal reduction process of alumina (Al2O3) represents one of the promising candidates to overcome the current industrial Hall-Héroult process for the production of aluminum (Al) from Al2O3. The yield of the carbothermal reduction process of Al2O3, however, is not high enough to be considered as a substitute for the present industrial process. The calculation of the gas phase diagram of Al-O-C system suggests the possibility of the enhancement of the Al product yield by the increase of the ratio of the partial pressure Al2O/CO. An increase in the ratio of the partial pressure Al2O/CO can be expected by the reaction of aluminum carbide (Al4C3) and Al2O3. We investigated the effect of adding Al4C3 on the enhancement of the final Al yield in the production process




