MMIJ 2018,Fukuoka

Presentation information (2018/07/31 Ver.)



Wed. Sep 12, 2018 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Room-8 (Fl.2.,Build. A. A26)

司会:ドドビバ ジョルジュ(東京大学)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

[3801-03-03] Separation of Arsenic-bearing copper minerals from Complex sulphide ore by Flotation

○Enkhzul Bayarmagnai1, Kazutoshi Haga1, Atsushi Shibayama1 (1. Akita University)

司会:ドドビバ ジョルジュ(東京大学)

Keywords:Enargite, Flotation, Arsenic, particle size

As metal reserves around the world deplete and the existing mines get deeper, the mineralogy of the extractable ore is becoming more complex and the grain size is becoming increasingly fine. The global demand for metal is growing continuously and therefore there is an increasing need to develop processes and technologies to recover minerals from other resources that include some minerals containing toxic elements such as arsenic.

The purpose of this research is to improve the flotation conditions for separation of arsenic-bearing copper minerals from a complex sulphide ore.

The sulphide ore sample used in this research was provided by JOGMEG and it contains 0.9% Cu, 0.3% As and 0.3% Zn. The copper and arsenic were distributed mainly in the fine particles (i.e. less than 15 μm) which constituted 37% of the total sample mass. Enargite is the major arsenic-bearing copper mineral with chalcopyrite, sphalerite and pyrite being identified as the minor sulphide minerals.

In this study, flotation experiments conducted using a MS type flotation machine, investigating effect of pulp density, slurry pH and use of modifier reagents.

As a result of the flotation, 65% of the Cu and up to 55% of the As could be recovered using an alkaline condition of pH 12 with Na2SiO3 500 g/t, PAX 50 g/t and MIBC 50 g/t. The Cu and As grade reached 17% and 6.5%, respectively. On the other hand, more than 50% of the Zn could be recovered, with the Zn grade reached 10% in the concentrate.

The fine particles of enargite were observed to be poorly attached to the bubbles during the flotation because of the low collision rate of the enargite with the flotation bubbles. Therefore, about 40% of copper and arsenic could not recovered by the conventional flotation.




