一般社団法人資源・素材学会 平成31(2019)年度春季大会

講演情報(2019年1月23日付 確定版)



2019年3月8日(金) 09:30 〜 11:45 第2会場 (6号館 3階 632講義室)

司会:安田 幸司(京都大学)、松浦 宏行(東京大学)

10:45 〜 11:00

[3K0201-08-05] ESRスピントラップ法によるフリーラジカル発生と消去能評価

○張 蘭因1、ドドビバ ジョルジ1、藤田 豊久1 (1. 東京大学)

司会:安田 幸司(京都大学)、松浦 宏行(東京大学)


Free radical is an atomic and molecular species with unpaired electrons. Free radicals are highly chemically reactive and usually short-lived because of those unpaired electrons, and thus has a strong capacity of oxidation. This capacity makes free radical useful sometimes but free radical existing in our body can be dangerous. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) is a technique which can detect unpaired electron. ESR technique was utilized in this research as a proper method to measure the content of free radical. Towada stone powder is chosen to study its free radical generation capacity, and simultaneously nano bubble dissolved water is chosen to study its free radical scavenging capacity. It is found that Towada stone powder calcined at 800℃ had the strongest hydroxyl radical generation capacity. And CO2 nano bubble dissolved water showed the best scavenging capacity of hydroxyl radical but has negative effect on scavenging superoxide radical.




