MMIJ Annual Meeting 2020

Presentation information (2020/01/24 Ver.)



Tue. Mar 17, 2020 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Room2 (Fl.2.,Build. 6. 621)

司会:中西 哲也(九州大学)、久間 英樹(松江工業高等専門学校)

2:05 PM - 2:25 PM

[3K62109-16-04] A Quantative Analysis of Nomikado's in Osarizawa Mine Tunnel

○Hideki Kuma1, Hisao Hukuoka 2, Misuzu Komatsu3, Aoki Mika4 (1. Matsue National College of Technology, 2. Tokyo Denki University, 3. The Yu-no-oku Museum of Gold Mining History, 4. Historical Study Group of Mining and Metallurgy, Japan)

Keywords:Nomikado, Mining ruins, 3D laser scanner, Osarizawa Mine

We have already investigated the internals of several mining tunnels in Japan with our original remotely controlled robots. These robots mount various sensors and enable us to acquire the previously unobtainable quantitative data such as internal images, mining directions, cross section shapes and volumes of tunnels. In our investigations, we have confirmed that rectangle patterns are engraved on the wall of some mining tunnels. According to an old document, each of these chisel traces is called ”Nomikado” in Japanese. ”Nomikado” is considered to be a mark showing a mining distance in a month. We found several ”Nomikado” in the old mine tunnel in the Osarizawa mine. In this paper, we report a quantitative analysis of the ”Nomikado” using a 3D laser scanner.




