MMIJ 2020,Sendai

Conference/Meeting Information

Official name:
MMIJ 2020, Sendai

    The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (MMIJ) 
      Fall Meeting 2020, Sendai

Conference dates:

 September 8(Tue.)-10(Thu.), 2020
 (Optional field trips: September 11(Fri.), 2020)

Touhokou University
             MMIJ 2020, Sendai will be held as a web conference this time.

Host organization:

 The Mining and Material Processing Institute of Japan


 »Japan Institute of Aggregate Technology
 »Limestone Association of Japan
 »Japan Coal Energy Center
 »Japan Mining Industry Association 
 »The Historical Study Group of Mining and Metallurgy, Japan
   Metallurgy, Japan
 »Japan Crushed Stone Association
 »Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation


Partner Associations:

 »Japan Society of Energy and Resources
 »The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
 »The Resources Processing Society of Japan
 »The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
 »Japan Society of Civil Engineers
 »The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
 »The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
 »The Society of Materials Science, Japan
 »The Geothermal Research Society of Japan
 »The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
 »The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
 »Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management
 »Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan

Supporting Associations:

 »Saiseki Shimbun Co., Ltd.
 »Japan Metal Daily
 »Sangyo Press Co., Ltd.
 »The Journal of Cement Industry



For any inquiries about this conference, please contact the secretariat of MMIJ via:

9-6-41, Akasaka, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan.
Tweets by MMIJ Office (only in Japanese)@MMIJ_JIMUKYOKU
The hashtag of this fall meeting: