MMIJ Annual Meeting 2022

Session information (2022/01/28 Ver.)

General Session

(General session) Mining and underground construction machineries / Rock Engineering / Resource based economy and social system / Mining technologies

Tue. Mar 8, 2022 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Room-2 (Webex)

司会:児玉淳一 (北海道大学),安達毅 (秋田大学),笹岡孝司 (九州大学)

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

○Yuki Ando1, Akihiro Hamanaka1, Ken-ichi Itakura2, Faqiang Su3, Kazuhiro Takahashi2, Jun-ichi Kodama4, Gota Deguchi5 (1. Kyushu university, 2. Muroran Institute of Technology, 3. Henan Polytechnic University, 4. Hokkaido University, 5. Underground Resources Innovation Network)

司会:児玉淳一 (北海道大学),安達毅 (秋田大学)

Break (3:00 PM - 3:20 PM)








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