一般社団法人資源・素材学会 2022年度 春季大会

講演情報(2022年1月28日付 確定版)


【企画講演/募集型企画】 資源探査の動向と大規模データプロセッシング

2022年3月7日(月) 09:00 〜 10:55 第3会場 (Webex)


10:15 〜 10:35

[1K0301-05-04] 教師なし学習アルゴリズムによる鉱脈型金鉱床での富鉱部の抽出

○デサ ビトーリベロ1、村岡 俊希1、小池 克明1 (1. 京都大学)



The main sources of uncertainty in geological studies are scarcity and biased distribution of available data as well as the geological heterogeneity in the area of interest. Understanding this last factor is paramount for any project aiming at modelling mineral resources. To succeed in such goal, the team of specialists usually puzzles over to define the geological units and their geometries to estimate the extensions of mineralized zones in subsurface. Machine learning techniques offer a wide range of tools, e.g., clustering analysis, to optimize and speed up workflows in mining planning. The study tries to combine an unsupervised learning algorithm (agglomerative hierarchical clustering) and a conditional geostatistical simulation (truncated-Gaussian simulation) to consider the spatial correlation of the samples and provide a framework for checking existing domains. Such workflow is employed to data collected in a low-sulfidation epithermal deposit, where gold is the target resource. It is hosted in veins and poses an additional challenge because they are conditioned by geological structures. The proposed methodology satisfactorily highlights the mineralized zones as well as their extensions in the depth direction and shed light on the mechanisms of formation of the studied deposit.




