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Oral Session

A. Fundamentals » [A-3] Materials Research by Advanced analysis: Synchrotron radiation and Neutron methods

[A3-O302] Oral 302

Wed. Dec 13, 2023 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Session 18 (Room 510)

Chair: Javier Campo (Spanish National Research Coucil (CSIC))

3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

[A3-O302-04] Structural low symmetrization near the superconducting phase in CuRh2Se4 under high pressure

*Masatoshi Emi1, Keita Kojima1, Manabu Shiomi1, Naoyuki Katayama1, kazuyuki Matsubayashi2, Hirokazu Kadobayashi3, Kenta Oka3, Naohisa Hirao3, Saori Kawaguchi3, Sawa Hiroshi1 (1. Nagoya Univ. (Japan), 2. UEC (Japan), 3. JASRI (Japan))

Keywords:X-ray diffraction, superconductivity, high pressure, orbital molecular formation

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