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[D-L204] Late Breaking News

2023年12月12日(火) 18:30 〜 20:30 Poster (Annex)

[D-L204-05] Hydrothermally Obtaining Superconductor Single Crystal of FeSe0.2Te0.8 without Interstitial Fe

*Jiali Liu1,2, Sheng Ma1,2, Shanshan Yuan3, Yizhe Wang3, Yuhang Zhang1,2, Zhen zhao1,2, Zouyouwei Lu1,2, Dong Li1, Yue Liu1,2, Feng Wu1, Jihu Lu1,2, Hua Zhang1,2,4, Haitao Yang1,2,5, Fang Zhou1,2,4, Zian Li3, Xiaoli Dong1,2,4, Zhongxian Zhao1,2,4 (1. Beijing National Lab. for Condenced Matter Physics, Inst. of physics, Chinese Academy of Sci.s (China), 2. School of Physical Sci.s, Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sci.s (China), 3. School of Physical Sci.s and Tech., Guangxi Univ. (China), 4. Songshan Lake Materials Lab. (China), 5. CAS Center for Excellence in Topological Quantum Computation, Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sci.s (China))

キーワード:Iron-based superconductor, hydrothermal route, interstitial Fe

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