The Naito Conference aims at providing scientists an unparalleled opportunity for stimulating in-depth knowledge exchange on specific research topics under the atmosphere of a retreat environment in Japan. The specific research topic is “Integrated Sensory Sciences ― Pain, Itch, Smell and Taste”. Abnormal sensation that extremely lowers the quality of life, such as neuropathic pain which resists morphine and intractable "itch" which extends to suicide attempts has long been a problem of human beings, but recently the mechanism of its onset is being clarified, and the path has become visible also in coping methods and drug development. Furthermore, recent developments in sciences of taste and olfaction are striking. The important thing is that the abnormalities of these sensory systems are linked to each other, and the possibility that the mental activity and the movement of the mind are influenced is gradually known.
The participants would experience to be immersed in a full-body of sciences on the topics through the conference, leading to establish networks between world-renowned scientists and ambitious generations. The attendees are limited less than 100 scientists, consisting of both invited lecturers and poster presenters nominated by the organizing committee. The participants are requested full attendance throughout the period of the conference (4 days) as a general rule. The Naito Foundation, a non-profit organization for public services, provides all participants full of accommodations and meals for three nights stay at the conference site.
The 48th Naito Conference
Theme: Integrated Sensory Sciences - Pain, Itch, Smell and Taste
Date: 2019/10/08 (Tuesday) - 10/11 (Friday)
Venue: CHATERAISE Gateaux Kingdom SAPPORO(Hokkaido)
Poster Application Period: 2019/2/12 (Tuesday) - 2019/05/10 (Friday)
The Naito Conference is calling for poster presenters to give an opportunity for in-depth discussion and networking. Sixty poster presenters will be selected by the organizing committee. Poster presentation is mandatory for the attendance. Those who are selected as a winner of poster award for excellence will be asked to give 15 minutes oral presentation (including 3 minutes discussion) on the final day on stage. Transportation to/from the conference site should be paid by an attendee.
Organizing Committee
Kazuhide INOUE (Chair) Kyushu University, Japan
Fusao KATO The Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan
Kazushige TOUHARA The University of Tokyo, Japan
Makoto TSUDA Kyushu University, Japan
Yuzo NINOMIYA Kyushu University, Japan /
Monell Chemical Senses Center, USA
Invited Lecturers ※Titles omitted
Ivan E. de ARAUJO
Department of Neuroscience, Friedman Brain Institute
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Institute
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Sandeep Robert DATTA
Department of Neuroscience, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA
Xinzhong DONG
Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Department of Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Yuichi IINO
Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science,
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Laboratory for the Neural Circuitry of Learning & Memory,
RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Japan
Laboratory for Circuit Mechanisms of Sensory Percepction ,
Center for Brain Science, RIKEN, Japan
Dayu LIN
Neuroscience institute, Department of Psychiatry,
The New York University School of Medicine, USA
Liqun LUO
Department of Biology, School of Humanities and Sciences,
Stanford University, USA
Center for Integrative Physiology and Molecular Medicine,
School of Medicine, Saarland University, Germany
Yuki OKA
California Institute of Technology, USA
Takaharu OKADA
Lab for Tissue Dynamics, RIKEN Center
for Integrative Medical Sciences, Japan
Michael W. SALTER
Hosptial for Sick Children, Canada
Dept of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine,
Dept of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Dept of Neurosurgery,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford University/
New York Stem Cell Foundation – Robertson Neuroscience Investigator,
Stanford University, USA
Department of Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour,
Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, UK
YanGang SUN
Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Department of Integrative Life Sciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences,
Tohoku University, Japan
Tor Dessart WAGER
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience and the Institute of Cognitive Science,
University of Colorado, USA
Laboratory for Systems Molecular Ethology,
RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Japan