60th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

Presentation information

Special Session

[SS-02] Influence of revising law to the total support for neurological intractable diseases

Thu. May 23, 2019 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Room 12 (Osaka International Convention Center 11F Conference Room 1101-1102)

Chair:Tetsuo Komori(National Hakone Hospital, Center for Neuromuscular and Intractable Disease), Kouichi Mizoguchi(Shizuoka Medical Center)

[SS-02-5] Current situation and challenges of measures against intractable/rare diseases

Akiko Tanaka (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan)


2016年4月 厚生労働省健康局結核感染症課エイズ対策推進室 室長補佐
2017年8月 厚生労働省健康局難病対策課 課長補佐

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