


[HT-09] ホットトピックス09
Is the concept of embolic stroke of undertermined source (ESUS) dead or alive?

2020年9月1日(火) 10:45 〜 12:15 第01会場 (岡山コンベンションセンター 4F 405会議室)

座長:豊田 一則(国立循環器病研究センター 脳血管内科),北園 孝成(九州大学大学院医学研究院病態機能内科学)

[HT-09-4] 抗凝固療法に対する反応性によるESUSの分類

内山 真一郎 (山王病院・山王メディカルセンター 脳血管センター)

Two clinical trials to compare direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) and aspirin did not show superiority of DOACs over aspirin in patients with embolic stroke of undertermined source (ESUS). It is argued on the reasons for the negative results that covert atrial fibrilltion may not be a major cause and arteriogenic embolism may be prevalent than ever thought. In this symposium, we analyze the factors affecting the results, reconsider the the currrent concept of EUS, and perspect future direction of antithrombotic therapy.

Graduation from Hokkaido University in 1974, Research Fellow of Mayo Clinic during1987 to 1989, Professor of Department of Neurology in 2001, Professor and Chairman of Department of Neurology of in 2008, Director of Neurological Institute in 2009 of Tokyo Women’s Medical University, and Professor of Clinical Research Center for Medicine of International University of Health and Welfare, Director of Center for Brain and Cerebral Vessels of Sanno Hospital and Sanno Medical Center in 2014. Honorary Members of Japanese Society of Neurology, Japan Stroke Society, Japanese Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Japanese Society of Vascular Cognitive Impairment, and Japan Brain Dock Society. Scientific Committee of Asia Pacific Stroke Organization, Fellows of Stroke Council of American Heart Association and European Stroke Organization. Editorial Board of “Stroke” and “Cerebrovascular Diseases”. President of Annual Meetings of Japan Brain Dock Society (2006), Japan Stroke Society (2011), Japanese Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (2012), Asia Pacific Stroke Conference (2012), and Japanese Society of Vascular Cognitive Impairment (2017).

