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[2P] D. Homeostatic and Neuroendocrine Systems

Fri. Jul 1, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster Session Hall 1 (Exhibition Hall (Okinawa Convention Center))

[2P-377] NALCN in the forebrain and pons-medulla regions have distinct roles in REM sleep regulation

*Tomoyuki Fujiyama1, Satomi Kanno1, Noriko Hirashima Hotta1, Miyo Kakizaki1, Aya Ikkyu1, Yosuke Tsuneoka2, Manabu Abe4, Ayako Mochizuki1, Patricia Seoane-Collazo1, Takehiro Miyazaki1, Seiya Mizuno3, Chika Miyoshi1, Takeshi Kanda1, Masahiko Watanabe6, Kenji Sakimura4, Satoru Takahashi3, Hiromasa Funato1,2, Masashi Yanagisawa1,5 (1. International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine, The University of Tsukuba, 2. Dept of Anat, Toho Univ., 3. LARC, Univ. of Tsukuba, 4. Dept of Cell Neurobiol, Niigata Univ., 5. UT Southwestern Medical Center, 6. Dep of Anat & Embryol, Hokkaido Univ.)

Keywords:REM sleep, Mouse, NALCN

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