Session information

Poster Session

[PT11] Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Science

[T11] Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Science


Wed. Nov 6, 2019 10:10 AM - 12:10 PM Poster

Room E

Maria Mendes1,2, João Basso1,2, Jéssica Silva1,2, João Sousa1,3, Santiago Grijalvo4,5, Ramon Eritja4,5, Alberto Pais3, *Carla Vitorino1,2,3 (1. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra (Portugal), 2. Centre for Neurosciences and Cell Biology (CNC), University of Coimbra (Portugal), 3. Coimbra Chemistry Center, Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra (Portugal), 4. Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC) (Spain), 5. Networking Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) (Spain))

Huang-Ping Yu1, Fu-Chao Liu1, Cheng-Yu Lin2, Ani Umoro3, Jiří Trousi4,5, Jia-You Fang1,2,3, *Tsong-Long Hwang1,2,3 (1. Department of Anesthesiology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Taiwan), 2. Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), 3. Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), 4. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic), 5. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University (Czech Republic))



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