Presentation information


[S5] Science & Technologies for the Sustainable Space Colony Life

[S5] Science & Technologies for the Sustainable Space Colony Life (1D01-06)

Mon. Nov 4, 2019 10:10 AM - 12:20 PM Room D (Shinryokan: Ocean Hall #3)

Chair: Kazutami Sakamoto (Tokyo University of Science), James Ferri (Virginia Commonwealth University)

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM

[1D02] Dynamics and ageing of emulsions

[Invited Lecture]

*Luigi Cristofolini1, Fabrizia Salerni1, Davide Orsi1, Eva Santini2, Francesca Ravera2, Libero Liggieri2 (1. Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, University of Parma (Italy), 2. CNR-ICMATE, Genoa (Italy))

Keywords:emulsions with low surfactant content , Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy, Interfacial rheology

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