Presentation information


[S5] Science & Technologies for the Sustainable Space Colony Life

[S5] Science & Technologies for the Sustainable Space Colony Life (1D07-12)

Mon. Nov 4, 2019 1:40 PM - 3:50 PM Room D (Shinryokan: Ocean Hall #3)

Chair: Libero Liggieri (CNR-Instuitute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies), Yuji Yamashita (Chiba Institute of Science)

3:30 PM - 3:50 PM

[1D12] Microscope for Venus Cloud Particle Observation

*Satoshi Sasaki1, Yoshitaka Yoshimura2, Keigo Enya3, Atsuo Miyakawa4, Kazuhisa Fujita3, Tomohiro Usui3, Sohsuke Ohno5, Akihiko Yamagishi4, Sanjay Shridhar Limaye6 (1. Tokyo University of Technology (Japan), 2. Tamagawa University (Japan), 3. JAXA (Japan), 4. Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences (Japan), 5. Chiba Institute of Technology (Japan), 6. University of Wisconsin (USA))

Keywords:Venus, cloud particle, microscope

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