Presentation information


[S4] Colloidal Dispersion and Aggregation in Materials for Sustainability

[S4] Colloidal Dispersion and Aggregation in Materials for Sustainability (1F13-18)

Mon. Nov 4, 2019 4:10 PM - 6:20 PM Room F (Busena Terrace #1)

Chair: Chika Takai-Yamashita (Gifu University), Tetsu Yonezawa (Hokkaido University)

5:00 PM - 5:20 PM

[1F15] Production of anionic graphite for ultra-high exfoliation in liquid

[Invited Lecture]

*Yoshihiko Arao1, Jonathon Tanks2, Kojiro Aida1, Masatoshi Kubouchi1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), 2. National Institute for Materials Science (Japan))

Keywords:Graphene, Exfoliation, Mechanochemical reaction

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