Presentation information


[S4] Colloidal Dispersion and Aggregation in Materials for Sustainability

[S4] Colloidal Dispersion and Aggregation in Materials for Sustainability (1F13-18)

Mon. Nov 4, 2019 4:10 PM - 6:20 PM Room F (Busena Terrace #1)

Chair: Chika Takai-Yamashita (Gifu University), Tetsu Yonezawa (Hokkaido University)

5:20 PM - 5:40 PM

[1F16] Particle Stabilized Foams and Emulsions as Pastes for 3D Printing Multiscale Porous Ceramics

[Invited Lecture]

*George V. Franks1, Shareen S.L. Chan1, Mitchell L. Sesso1,2 (1. University of Melbourne (Australia), 2. LaTrobe University (Australia))

Keywords:Ceramics, particle stabilised emulsions, 3D printing

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