Presentation information

Technical Session

[T6] Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials

[T6] Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials (2A01-06)

Tue. Nov 5, 2019 10:10 AM - 12:20 PM Room A (Shinryokan: Summit Hall)

Chair: Hitoshi Kasai (Tohoku University), Alla Synytska (Technische Universität Dresden)

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

[2A04] Hybridosomes®: Innovative Multifunctional Nanocapsules from the Ouzo Effect

*Flavien Sciortino1,2, Clement Goubault1, Helene Jacobczyk1, Pierre-Antoine Eliat1, Marie-Berengere Troadec1,3, Cedric Gaillard4, Myrtil L Kahn5, Soizic Chevance1, Fabienne Gauffre1, Katsuhiko Ariga2,6 (1. Univ Rennes, CNRS, ISCR-UMR6226, SCANMat-UMS2001 (France), 2. World Premier International (WPI) Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) (Japan), 3. UMR 1078 Génétique, Génomique fonctionnelle et Biotechnologies, Inserm, Université de Bretagne Occidentale (France), 4. INRA, La Giraudière (France), 5. Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, UPR8241, CNRS (France), 6. Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo (Japan))

Keywords:Ouzo Effect, Self-Assembly, Nanocapsules, Nanomedicine

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