Presentation information

Technical Session

[T5] Colloidal Dispersion/Aggregation, Surface Forces and Rheology

[T5] Colloidal Dispersion/Aggregation, Surface Forces and Rheology (2F07-12)

Tue. Nov 5, 2019 2:30 PM - 4:40 PM Room F (Busena Terrace #1)

Chair: Motoyoshi Kobayashi (University of Tsukuba), Gregor Trefalt (University of Geneva)

4:00 PM - 4:20 PM

[2F11] Polymer-like self-assembled structures from particles with isotropic interactions

Sara Haddadi1, Hongduo Lu1, Marcus Backstrom1, Clifford Woodward2, *Jan Forsman1 (1. Theoretical Chemistry, Lund University (Sweden), 2. School of Chemistry, UNSW (Australia))

Keywords:self-assembly, living polymers, colloidal aggregation

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