Presentation information

Technical Session

[T8] Solid Surfaces -Adsorption, Catalysis, Tribology and Electrochemistry

[T8] Solid Surfaces -Adsorption, Catalysis, Tribology and Electrochemistry (5E13-18)

Fri. Nov 8, 2019 4:10 PM - 6:20 PM Room E (Shinryokan: Sunset Lounge)

Chair: Minoru Mizuhata (Kobe University), Akihito Imanishi (Osaka University)

5:40 PM - 6:00 PM

[5E17] Electrical charging of colloids and interfaces in surfactant-doped nonpolar liquids

*Filip Strubbe1, Caspar Schreuer1, Masoumeh Karvar1, Manoj Prasad1, Bavo Robben1, Kristiaan Neyts1 (1. Ghent University (Belgium))

Keywords:inverse micelles, nonpolar liquid, electronic ink displays

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