Presentation information

Poster Session

[PT08] Solid Surfaces -Adsorption, Catalysis, Tribology and Electrochemistry

[T8] Solid Surfaces -Adsorption, Catalysis, Tribology and Electrochemistry


Wed. Nov 6, 2019 10:10 AM - 12:10 PM Poster

Room A

[PT08-14] Highly efficient overall water splitting in acid with metal nanosheets

*Dongshuang Wu1, Kohei Kusada1, Satoru Yoshioka2, Tomokazu Yamamoto2, Takaaki Toriyama2, Syo Matsumura2, Yanna Chen3, Osami Sakata3, Toshiaki Ina4, Shogo Kawaguchi4, Yoshiki Kubota5, Hiroshi Kitagawa1 (1. Kyoto university (Japan), 2. Kyushu University (Japan), 3. National Institute for Materials Science (Japan), 4. Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), SPring-8 (Japan), 5. Osaka Prefecture University (Japan))

Keywords:2D nanosheets, water splitting, in situ XAFS

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