Presentation information

Poster Session

[PT09] Biocolloids, Biomaterials, Biointerfaces and Biomimetics

[T9] Biocolloids, Biomaterials, Biointerfaces and Biomimetics


Wed. Nov 6, 2019 10:10 AM - 12:10 PM Poster

Room A

[PT09-09] Hybrid Isotropic and Janus Particles with Immobilized Enzymes for Catalytic Applications

*Claudia Marschelke1,2, Dorina Köpke3, Anke Matura3, Marco Sallat4, Alla Synytska1,2 (1. Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Functional Particles and Interfaces Group (Germany), 2. Institute of Physical Chemistry of Polymeric Materials, Dresden University of Technology (Germany), 3. Institute of Biochemistry, Dresden University of Technology (Germany), 4. Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (Germany))

Keywords:Janus particles, enzyme immobilization, laccase, polymer interface

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