Presentation information

Poster Session

[PT09] Biocolloids, Biomaterials, Biointerfaces and Biomimetics

[T9] Biocolloids, Biomaterials, Biointerfaces and Biomimetics


Wed. Nov 6, 2019 10:10 AM - 12:10 PM Poster

Room A

[PT09-29] Full-Colored Magnetic Colloidal Particles Based on a Holmium-Coordinated Polymer

*Kotona Kohaku1, Keiki Kishikawa2, Michinari Kohri2 (1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chiba University (Japan), 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University (Japan))

Keywords:magnetic particles, colored particles, lanthanide, holmium, dye monomer, polymer brushes

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