OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2019

Presentation information


Oral Presentation

XFEL diagnostics

Wed. Apr 24, 2019 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM 313+314 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

[XOPT-4-01] Characterization of single shot spectrum of LCLS by using high resolution single shot spectromter and machine learning

*Takahiro Sato1,2, Hasan Yavas1, Yanwen Sun1,2, Yuichi Inubushi2,3, Makina Yabashi2,3, Diling Zhu1,2 (1. LCLS, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2. SPring-8 center, RIKEN, 3. JASRI)